The Indian Pacific Wheel Race was a solo, single-stage, unsupported, 5,500km road cycling race ocean-to-ocean across Australia. Race Director, Jesse Carlsson, did an incredible job creating an interactive event where people from all around the world could be involved in the hype. Through consistent updates on social media channels and live tracking through MAProgress, IPWR became one of the most followed ultra endurance cycling events in recent history.

Our live tracking map of this race received over 30,000 views the day before the race even started. It ended up receiving over 1 million views from all around the world. Avid dot-watchers took to social media, sharing their excitement at following this race closely online:

“This event has been amazing to watch, deeply inspiring. You watch the dots so closely you feel a connection with every cyclist, they become a friend,” one avid dot-watcher from Melbourne shared.

“I need to start a Gofundme page. I’ve used up all my data watching this race. Absolutely loving it. Dot watching is addictive,” another person shared.

“Can’t believe I’m getting my cycling fix watching dots” David Shields (from doc Jane made)

“Technology is king as a couch watcher in this race. Amazing coverage.” Judy Davidson

Sadly one of the top racers, Mike Hall, passed away in a tragic accident only hours from the finish in Sydney. At this point the race was cancelled and event organisers used the tracking maps to notify other participants of this news.